CCCC Convention
This is a really difficult post to write. I’ve tried to find a way to make it to the CCCC Convention held this June in Wisconsin. But, we’ve got our septic through on our Arizona property and we’re now trying to get a home on it and deal with financing. We’ve also got our Renaissance Festival in Corona happening at the same time. Too many conflicts in scheduling just makes it impractical for me to attend this year.
The next CCCC Convention will be held in San Francisco in 2010. I am putting it on my schedule now and I am planning to attend. The move will be over and we should be settled in Arizona by then.
There is a website at where you can get information and phone numbers to for the CCCC and the convention in June. It is being held in La Crosse, Wisconsin June 12, 13, 14, PLUS June 11 when the vendor room will be open to the public. There are some nifty package deals for the convention. The Mississippi river boat ride sounds like so much fun.
I really wish there was a way to pull it off this year, but I look forward to seeing any cookie cutter fans in the southern California area during the Golden Age of Piracy Festival held April 26-27 and the Koroneburg Renaissance Festival which begins May 10 and runs through June 15, including Memorial Day.
I’ll be going out to the site today to drop off building supplies and Saturday we’ll begin putting new roofs on the cookie cutter cottage and the Fairapy booth. Hope to see you there.