January 26, 2008 was the date for the most recent Cookie Cutter Collectors Club meeting. The cookies were phenomenal, as usual. What is even more amazing is that the cookies were as delicious as they were beautiful. The California chapter met to plan for the upcoming National Convention in La Crosse, Wisconsin in June. I’m excited about it, never having been to Wisconsin. And, I’ll get to meet the other tinsmiths who actually still make cookie cutters. According to CCCC members, there are about 20 in the country. I’ve also heard that I’m the only one who makes cutters with pliers, rather than a jig. It will certainly be interesting to see how others practice the craft.
The weather was amazing all the way up the coast for the meeting. I took the 101 instead of the 5 from Orange County to Northern California. The 5 was actually shut down due to snow. A lot of water fell on the 101 and 60 mph winds had trees down on the road between San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara on the way back.
We’ve been taking elderberry extract (available at health food stores), and it really makes a difference with colds and flu. Especially if you start taking it the moment you suspect you might be catching something. I’ve given bottles of it to friends and relatives this year and it is getting raves.
We are still moving forward with the move to Arizona. The goal is to be living in Camp Verde, AZ by August of this year. I will have my own office in the new place and my husband will be relieved NOT to have cutter clutter in the rest of the house. I just love soldering and flattening cutters on the kitchen counter and my office will have the counters I need. Please know that I am working on building up my depleted ebay stock. The CCCC members were quite enthusiastic about my unique cutters, and I thank them. Thank you also for the delicious cookies, the art of cookie making and decorating displayed, was truly amazing.